Colloidal Silver

The second immune system

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Colloidal silver is a solution of tiny silver particles in distilled water. These silver particles attract the pathogens and interfere with their cell metabolism in such a way that they are killed within a few minutes of coming into contact with the silver.

Colloidal silver was used medically to fight infections until the middle of the 20th century, but then fell into oblivion due to the expensive production costs and the discovery of penicillin.

Modern medicine would be unthinkable without antibiotics, but today more and more people are returning to the effective action of colloidal silver against bacteria, viruses and fungi, and are using it successfully for acute mild infections.

This is because it works extremely quickly against around 650 pathogens and can be used in a variety of ways, both internally and externally.

High-quality colloidal silver has a golden yellow to brownish color, depending on how concentrated it is. When administered orally, the silver particles are absorbed in the mouth and subsequently in the gastrointestinal tract. It is advisable to take a more concentrated solution so that the silver particles also reach the lower intestinal tract, where they destroy unwanted bacteria and the "good" intestinal flora is miraculously spared.