But what exactly is bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a complementary method, that analyses and balances the body’s energy and makes the invisible in the body visible. Our world consists of waves and frequencies and everything emits energy in the form of electromagnetic vibrations.

So, imagine your body as a system of energy, in which the cells exchange information in the form of electromagnetic vibrations. But many factors have a permanent effect on us, and some disrupt the flow of energy and cause it to deviate from its frequency. The organism loses its balance and now vibrates differently.

This is exactly where the bioresonance method comes in. It measures the energetic pattern and adjusts it back to the correct frequencies. The body can vibrate harmoniously and activate its self-healing powers.

Bioresonance is a holistic method, which detects the cause of a disorder and not just its symptoms. As a complementary approach, its results can supplement the necessary conventional medical treatment, but should not replace it.